The Main Thing
What is the Main Thing?
The most important question in life is this: Who is Jesus?
According to the Bible, Jesus is the fully divine Son of God and the fully human Savior for all who trust in Him. He came preaching what Scripture calls the “Gospel,” a word that simply means “Good News.” The Good News is that Jesus, the Son of God, is Lord. He is the one true King, who not only gives full pardon for sin, but who also invites sinners like us into His family. This was His core message, both in what He said and in His life lived, and is in fact the main message of all of Scripture.
One pastor and author, Greg Gilbert, in his short book What is the Gospel?, helpfully summed this message up with these four words: God, Man, Christ, Response.
What About You?
Is this a message that you have responded to in faith and repentance? If not, and you see your need for doing so, ask God right where you are to forgive your sins and confess to Him your need for Jesus to be your Savior and Lord. And then give us a call, we’d love to talk with you and help you learn what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ.